TWL Academy Workshop Group 4Archival Burnout in the Age of Vulnerability: [Disobedient] Commons and their Dilemmas, Speculations, EmotionsParticipants: Scott Caruth, Kamila Kuc, Maria Morata, Onur Öztürk, Nina Prader, Eshan Rafi, Maria Sideri, Lalu OzbanWorkshop Conveners: Naz Cuguoglu, Özge ÇelikaslanSee our Padlet for the whole program and readings:
Room to Bloom in the Biennale of Kiev with Magali Dougoud,Endi Tupja and artist duo Klodiana Millona and Yuan Chun Liu, Eliana Otta and Imayna Caceres, Irini Kalaitzidi, Merle DammhaynMaria Sideri, Denise Lee and Valeria Montoya and Kinnari SaraCurated by Marta Cillero, Marcela Caldas and Ségolène Pruvot(European Alternatives and Studio Rizoma)October 16 – November 1417:00–19:00 The House of Cinema, Small Hall

In the fourth and final episode of Incantations, artists Mercedes Azpilicueta, Maria Sideri and Angeliki Tzortzakaki discuss their project priestesses of disgrace, which interrogates through sound the way female voices are perceived in public spaces in a syncretic city like Athens. We also discuss the perception of women’s bodies as simultaneously sinful and healing across different cultural contexts, and how ritualistic possession can be used to resist oppressive hierarchical structures. Our guests also share their own personal rituals for creating moods and attune to the cities they live in.

Curated and hosted by Andrea CetruloIntro music by William Messenger and SophrosyneIllustration by Sophie Rogers for Theatrum MundiDesign by Marcos Villalba

A text by Christian Oxenius with the support of Artworks (ATH).

A collaboration with INSITU and Lieux Public for a site-specific project in Marseille for 2020.

Take me to your favourite place

Take me to your Favourite Place is an audio publication that departs from my residency in the Villa Empain in Bruxelles between November and December 2018 and culminates in the occasion of Festival Signal#7 in August 2018. With the support of CIFAS, this publication marks my passage from the city of Bruxelles through various encounters, a workshop and interviews. Through subjective geography, this object suggests to think around how people passing by or living in Bruxelles experience topographical restrictions today.

Author: Maria Sideri
Texts: Maria Sideri, Madame Lowies et extracts from different conversations.
Production: Mathilde Florica, Charlotte David.
Photography: Bea Borgers. Editorial concept: Aline Melaet
Printing: Graphius, Bruxelles, September 2019.

Podcast made by Maria SideriBrussels, 2018

Laboratory for the body as a material and as a living archive (in progress)

In this workshop we will look at how the body is used in performance and the ways with which the body can become a medium of documentation, a living archive that remembers and activates sounds, histories and images that can only survive when transmitted onto other bodies. Using oral tradition and specially its relationship with music, this workshop will provide methodological tools for body based practices that relate to body memory and the way the body memorizes. The body as memory, as an archive that registers emotions and events is the base from which we will be working using exercises of concentration, of movement as well as walks in the village and the surrounding area in order to activate biographies, memories and events of the village of Agios Laurentios, its music and histories of its people. More specifically, the methods offered derive from various contemporary dance practices and performance to ethnography and field work. During the workshop we will collect different material which will be specified during the workshop in order to create with the contributions of the participants a living archive combining the history of the village, its music along with personal narratives and input. The workshop is open to all, no previous experience needed in any of the above fields. The workshop welcomes musicians, actors, dancers and anthropologists and anyone else who is working or interested in the creative fields. The final outcome of the workshop will be an open presentation to the public.

Elodie Gaden, Paul-André Claudel (dir.)Presses universitaires de Rennes, collection "Interférences", 2019

PRÉSENTATIONMorte au Caire en 1953, dans le dénuement le plus total, Valentine de Saint-Point a longtemps été reléguée dans l’ombre de l’histoire de l’art. Cette expérimentatrice hors du commun – qui fréquenta Rodin, Mucha, Marinetti et Canudo, écrivit coup sur coup le Manifeste de la Femme futuriste (1912) et le Manifeste Futuriste de la luxure (1913), révolutionna la chorégraphie en fondant une nouvelle danse sous le nom de Métachorie, se passionna pour la théosophie, puis finit par s’établir en Égypte et se rapprocher de l’Islam, tout en embrassant la cause anticolonialiste – avait littéralement disparu des mémoires.


ARTWORKS INSUMMER NOSTOS FESTIVALSTILL HERE TOMORROW  ΕΙΚΑΣΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΒΟΛΕΣ ΤΑΙΝΙΩΝ23 - 30 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ, 10.00 - 01.00ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΝΙΑΡΧΟΣΟι 45 εικαστικοί και οι 15 κινηματογραφιστές που βραβεύτηκαν από την ARTWORKS το 2018 παρουσιάζουν έργα τους στο Summer Nostos Festival. Διοργάνωση: Summer Nostos Festival ARTWORKS Επιμέλεια έκθεσης: Πάνος Γιαννικόπουλος, Μαρίλη Κωνσταντινοπούλου, Δήμητρα Νικολού.