Hello World ChoirEP SHAGARA
Shagara translated as tree from Arabic, is the culmination of a one year-long choir collaboration featuring a Sudanese female choir of seven girls & women between 11-27, an Egyptian volunteer and a Greek singer/artist. The choir, initiated in November 2015 in Cairo, through the Tadamon Community Center (Egyptian Refugee Multicultural Council), was originally formed on a voluntary basis to explore in weekly workshops the way a female foreign body expresses itself through music and language in contemporary Cairo.Taking influences from traditional Sudanese folk, pop & electronic music, Shagara draws the listener in a tapestry of English & Arabic text that was written and translated together with the choir. This EP unearths that lived experienced by these girls & women, and a shared language emerges. Shagara locates itself in a contemporary moment of social & political flux, and emanates hopes of women’s emancipation. It combines recorded & mastered choral techniques with synths, electronic beats, oud, gambri, percussions, guitars & flutes and densely-layered vocals. This EP starts with a traditional Sudanese song that takes the listener into a dreamy world where children "…like the freshness of a good smelling tree branch everyday getting greener...", could be softly but surely taking over the world. To know more about the project check my bloghttps://mariasideri.tumblr.com/ and to support the albumhttps://helloworldchoir.bandcamp.com/