“Το όνομα της” (her name) είναι ένα ηχητικό έργο αφιερωμένο στις εξόριστες γυναίκες της Ανάφης κατα τη διάρκεια της δικτατορίας του Mεταξά. Παρουσιάστηκε στα πλαίσια της έκθεσης “φαινόμενα” στην Ανάφη τον Ιούλιο του 2021 σε ανάθεση από το State of Concept.

το ονόμα της (her name)

Displacement (ektopisi) a peculiar hostage taking, a violent and forced change of residency. During the dictatorship of Metaxa in Greece(1936-1941), the practice of displacement has functioned as a mean of pressure that along with the use of psychological and physical violence, had as an aim the renunciation of one’s political and ideological ideas and aimed at intimidating and inactivating citizens who staffed unions, democratic political bodies and scientific and artistic associations.Between 1938- 1942, a number of women were displaced in Anafi. Workers in factories of tobacco, silk or craft enterprises, tailors, one of them a teacher, mainly coming from the north of Greece, very little is known about their stories, their revendications for equal pay and equal salaries and their feminist actions during the Metaxa dictatorship. Margaret Kenna, informs us that there are no testimonies from women themselves about their own displacement in Anafi during the Metaxa period. The little information of their time in exile derives from written testimonies by men. Displaced in the islands and displaced from history, this audio narration aims to recall their names and stories and mark their trace in the island of Anafi.The women displaced in Anafi during the Metaxa dictatorship were : Ilektra Apostolou, Elisavet Iliadou-Zagourtzi, Anastasia Nikolaidou, Maria Desipri- Svolou, Eirini Skalidou, Athanasia Tsakiri, Margarita Kotsaki, Sofia or Smaro Kritikou, Ourania Mattheolaka, Rosa Retzina, Maria Varouchidou, Vasiliki Karatzoumani or Karatsoumaki and Panagiota or Athanasia Kanaria.

July 5–12, 2021, Anafi, Greece
The Kerenidis Pepe Collection and the Association Phenomenon present
φαινόμενα, a one-week program of contemporary art taking place on the Aegean island of Anafi, Greece, between 5–12 July, 2021, in collaboration with the invited art spaces 3 137, EIGHT, Enterprise Projects, The Island Club and State of Concept Athens, from Greece and Cyprus. Having as a starting point questions of spatialities and heterotopias in connection to the island as a place as well as to its history, each space will have one day to orchestrate an event —a performance, a screening, a reading, a community game, an art installation in the public space— that will function as a chapter in a longer open-ended story that unfolds over the week.